Zooey Deschanel: She Makes Me "Adorka-Phobic" | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Zooey Deschanel: She Makes Me "Adorka-Phobic"

Is Zooey Deschanel too dorky in The New Girl?

Anybody catch the series debut of New Girl last night on FOX? Ratings-wise this new non-laugh track sitcom CRUSHED the season premiere of Glee, yanking in a whopping 10.1 million viewers, making it the highest rated debut on FOX since Bernie Mac ten years ago. For the uninitiated, New Girl stars actress/singer/dork Zooey Deschanel as an insanely socially awkward gal who moves in with three socially awkward dudes—and they get all socially awkward together. (Kind of like a normal day in our comments section.) Anyway, a lot of people loved it, such as this guy from Boston.com:

She probably will conquer you, as she has me, by just being so darn Zooey-ish, her innocent beauty hidden in a mess of brown hair, nerd glasses, and personality quirks, which include bursting into song whenever so inspired. Unless you’re adorka-phobic, and suffer from an acute terror of ultra-lovable individuals, you will fall for Deschanel mightily and shamelessly.

I guess that makes me adorka-phobic (which I haven't been in the past) because for me, it was all too... too... goddamn precious, ya know? And while there were definitely a couple of good jokes, the tsunami of quirkiness is overwhelming. It's like she's Mayor Quirky McQuirkerstein, the grand marshal of the Annual Quirkytown Quirky Daze parade. SHE'S QUIRKY!

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